23 October 2014
Philographics is an encyclopedia of philosophy in visual form. It is a brilliant book, able to turn complex concepts into elementary figures. The author is Genis Carreras, a Spanish designer with a passion for infographics. For each entry, Genis provides a short summary of the philosophical concept (in 32 words) and then represents it graphically by means of squares and rectangles, circles and dots. Even color is used in an expressive way: for example, Absolutism is a black spot on a white ground, Skepticism is a diagonal bar that calls to mind the possibility of choosing endlessly, Individualism is a rectangle of blue dashes form which one white dash stands out, and so on. His aim is to create a new visual language, able to make philosophy accessible and attractive. The operation has been such a success that it could as easily raise questions in a university lecture hall as in the classroom of a nursery school.