Atelier dell’Errore
Marselleria, Milan

3 February 2014

For twelve years, the child neuropsychiatry unit of the Local Health Authority of Reggio Emilia has housed some surprising creatures, deep red camels, insects with a thousand eyes, cobalt blue butterflies. Their creators are the children of the Atelier dell’Errore or “Studio of Error” (aged between 7 and 12, with a range of psychophysical difficulties), accompanied by the artist Luca Santiago Mora. The rules are few, but they do exist: for example, no going into reverse (i.e., erasers are not allowed), and every line is used to construct the next one. The result is a magic bestiary that Santiago Mora has taken on a tour of Italy, eventually landing up on the covers of Quodlibet books. From tomorrow until February 10 an exhibition at the Marselleria in Milan, entitled It’s An Escape From The Prison Of Our Imagination and curated by Valentina Ciuffi and Giovanni De Francesco, will tell this story on the basis of a body of works inspired by Ermanno Cavazzoni’s Guida agli animali fantastici. A way of getting a close-up view of these beasts “escaped from the prison of our imagination,” as one of the children of the Atelier has described them.

It’s An Escape From The Prison Of Our Imagination
Marselleria, Atelier dell’Errore
Curated by Valentina Ciuffi and Giovanni De Francesco
February, 5 – 10

Gattobafossa Con Peli Catoaiblepa Antonietta Remora Gan Ganm Style Gatto Bleba Peli Catoblepa Zanzara Pirauste Squalo Il Grande Vanperius Terroristus La Remora Attaccatutto Catoplepa Coda da Lupo Catoblepa che istiga Andrea che sono io Capleta Cotodato operato alla pancia La Remora Colla A Caldo La Remora Polposa Pirauster Biacarbonato Innamorato Pirogono Pirotco con i peli che non si bruciano Pirotoco a cui piace il gelato Pirotoco Nebbluosa Pirotoco San Pirotoco Salvatore dei Pirotoci Pirottoco Ballerino con i Pelli Lunghi Remora Baianfantiticole Remora Dagli Occhi Squamati Remora Stuzzicata Verme dell?Indo che ha conosciuto l'orso Yoghi tre settimane fa Verme Porco Spino dell'Indo Catoplepa Ossa Fracide

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